Faculty member

Professor Itaru Mizoguchi, DDS,PhD
Associate Professor Hideki Kitaura, DDS,PhD
Senior assistant Professor Tomohiro Fukunaga, DDS,PhD
Assistant Professor Nobuo Takeshita, DDS,PhD Masahiro Seiryu, DDS,PhD Michiko Yoshida, DDS,PhD
  Hiroto Ida,
Kiyo Sasaki,

Research and clinical Projects

 1. Morphological Change of Bone Responding to Mechanical Stress.

 2. Basic Study on Cranio-Facial Growth and Development.

 3. Mechanism of Mechanical Stress Response of Chondrocyte.

 4. Histological and Molecular Biological Study of Periodontal Ligamental Cells and Bone Cells.

 5. Basic Study on Development of Artificial Tooth Germ.

 6. Basic and Clinical Research of Tooth Movement by Orthodontic Force.

 7. Pain Control on Orthodontic Tooth Movement.

 8. Functional Evaluations by Improvement of Occlusion.

 9. Development of Orthodontics using Implant Anchorage.

 10. Treatment effect and stability of orthognathic surgery cases.

Education for Graduate

A. Lectures and courses

1. General biological and medical subjects
  a. Growth and development
  b. Anatomy of the head
  c. Bone biology and alveolar remodeling
  d. Development of the dentition
  e. Mechanisms of craniofacial development
  f. Facial growth
  g. Genetics and embryology
  h. Syndromes
  i. Oral histology
  j. Physiology of breathing, speech, swallowing, and mastication
  k. Psychology of the child, adolescent, and adult

2. Basic orthodontic subjects
  a. Physiology and pathophysiology of the stomatognathic system
  b. Muscles and the etiology of facial form
  c. Muscles and etiology of facial form
  d. Biology of the periodontal ligament
  e. Aspects of tooth movements and Dentofacial orthopedics
  f. Orthodontic materials

3. General orthodontic subjects
  a. Etiology of malocclusion
  b. Diagnosis procedure
  c. Orthodontic diagnostic assessment, treatment objectives,and treatment planning
  d. Growth and treatment analysis
  e. Long term effect of orthodontic treatment
  f. Iatrogenic effects of orthodontic treatment

4. Radiology and cephalometrics
  a. Radiology and imaging techniques
  b. The cepahlogram: landmark identification
  c. Superimposition and growth
  d. Growth prediction

5. Orthodontic techniques
  a. Removable appliances
  b. Functional appliances
  c. Extra-oral appliances
  d. Partial fixed appliances
  e. Fixed appliances

6. Biomechanics
  a. Interceptive orthodontics
  b. Segmented mechanics
  c. Removable appliances
  d. Class II div 1
  e. Class II div 2
  f. Class III
  g. Expansion and the transverse problem
  h. Management of unerupted teeth
  i. Iatrogenic complications: root resorption
  j. Iatrogenic complications: decalcifications
  k. Anchorage and effects of head gear
  l. Long term growth changes with orthodontics
  m. Adult orthodontics
  n. Deep bite

7. Multidisciplinary treatment procedures
  a. Cleft and lip palate
  b. Orthodontic surgical treatment
  c. Orthodontic-periodontics treatment
  d. Orthodontic-restrorative

8. Specific treatment procedures
  a. Guiding the development of occlusion
  b. Adult orthodontics
  c. Craniomandibular dysfunction
  d. TMJ and orthodontic treatment
  e. Traumatised incisors

9. Management of health and safety
  a. Management of oral health
  b. Health and safety conditions in an orthodontic practice

10. Practice management, administration and ethics
  a. Office management
  b. Use of computers
  c. Ergonomy
  d. Legislation
  e. Professional ethics

B. Hands on courses
  1. Guidance of cephalometric tracing and analysis,
  2. Problem list and treatment planning
  3. Typodont and wire bending
  4. Paper typodont
  5. Functional analysis (Gnathologic sysytem)
  6. Mounting cast (CO-CR conversion)
  7. Splint
  8. VTO, STO
  9. Setup model
  10. MRI, Tomo
  11. V-works
  12, CT, cone-beamCT

C. Clinical training

Various malocclusion are treated with advanced orthodontic treatment including orthognathic surgery, multidisciplinary approach, and using miniscrews as an orthodontic anchorage.
After the completion of the course, a certificate will be offered.

D. Research

A PhD degree is conferred upon the satisfactory completion of the requirements in 4 years.
All students are required to publish in a refereed international journal. Other elective subjects may be selected, based on the student's educational objectives.

E. Studying language

International students are encouraged to apply to our program;
however, the applicant must realize that the students must speak Japanese in order to deal with patients and for some courses. Therefore, Japanese proficiency is mandatory (students must take an Tohoku University Japanese Language Course for 6 months before enrolling the program). However, the research activities will be taught mostly in English.